Friday 3 August 2012

A lick of paint

I went up to the loft yesterday and found a number of my Charity shop treasures, among them was this old mirror. I originally purchased it to for the lounge but as usual got sidetracked and moved on to something else before even thinking about what to do with it.  I was was quite excited as the master bedroom really needed a lift.  The thing is....we started with one brown piece of furniture that belonged to my grandmother and somehow everything else that followed was also brown.  BORING! I was immediately attracted to this mirror because of the heavy framing but it's original colour was hideous. (In my haste to finish it, I forgot to take a before photo) The actual mirror is starting to patina so it's not completely clear but this add all the character.  I painted the frame in this gorgeous Dulux Teal (it looks a bit blue, but it isn't) there is no name for this colour so I will call it teal tastic!
As soon as it went up you I knew that this was £10 well spent. This just proves that you don't need to spend a lot of money or make major changes to make an impact.  You just need to think it through.